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Solar Pool Heating Installation

Start using your pool more with solar pool heating! South-East Pool Solar Heating designs, quotes and installs Boss Solar pool heating systems to suit your needs.

Did you know that an unheated swimming pool will be used far less than a heated pool? In Melbourne, an appropriately installed solar pool heating system can double the typical swimming season. Effectively meaning you get twice the fun, pool parties and return on your swimming pool investment!



You will also be doing the environment a favour. Solar pool heating is by far the most sustainable, cost-effective and responsible pool heating option. Solar uses the sun’s free energy, rather than relying on expensive and dirty fossil fuels. Protect yourself from rising gas and electricity costs – install thermal solar pool heating!

Thermal Solar Pool Heating provides many advantages:


  • 100% Renewable

  • Lowest Running Costs

  • Easy to operate – set and forget

  •  Can co-exist with existing PV solar systems

  • Can be installed on new and existing pools

  • Ready for when you want to swim – on warm days!


Why Choose us?

10 Years of Experience

Climate Care Certified

High Quality


Job Satisfaction 


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